# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Mosaic Python API
.. moduleauthor:: Konrad Hinsen
This module provides abstract base classes that define the Mosaic
Python API and implement validation code. They also provide a few
convenience functions implemented in terms of the raw API.
Concrete implementations subclass the abstract base classes and
implement all the abstract properties.
# Copyright (C) 2013 The Mosaic Development Team
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file LICENSE.txt, distributed as part of this software.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
import collections
import itertools as IT
import re
import numpy as N
import mosaic.utility
# Mosaic version number (major, minor)
# An increase in the minor number indicates a superset of the preceding
# versions. An increase in the major number indicated an incompatibility
# with preceding versions.
# Base class for all classes that represent top-level data items,
# i.e. items that can be stored in files, retrieved, etc.
[docs]class MosaicDataItem(object):
"""Base class for top-level data items
Instances of subclasses of MosaicDataItem can be stored in files.
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
# An atom is defined by the following characteristics:
# - a type, which is
# - 'element' for a standard atom that has a chemical element.
# The element symbol is the value of the name attribute.
# - 'cgparticle' , for particles in coarse-grained models
# representing multiple atoms.
# - 'dummy' for pseudo-atoms that don't physically exist,
# such as virtual interaction sites.
# - '' for anything else
# - a name, which is the chemical element symbol for atoms of type
# 'element', and any suitable identifier for the other types
# - a label, which identifies the atom uniquely inside its fragment
# - the number of sites, equal to the number of Cartesian coordinate
# sets required by the atom. It is > 1 for path integral, wave
# functions, atoms with alternate positions in crystal structures, etc.
[docs]class MosaicAtom(object):
"""Atom inside a :py:class:`MosaicUniverse`
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-atom>` for atoms.
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
# API properties
[docs] def label(self):
"""An ASCII string not containing dots and identifying
the atom uniquely inside its parent fragment.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-atom-label>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def name(self):
"""An ASCII string describing the type of the atom. For 'real'
atoms in the chemical sense, this must be the chemical element
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-atom-name>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def type(self):
"""A string identifying the type of the atom.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-atom-type>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def number_of_sites(self):
"""The number of sites associated with the atom.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-atom-nsites>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Property shared by all atoms
[docs] def number_of_atoms(self):
"""The number of atoms associated with the atom (always 1)
return 1
# Equivalence test
[docs] def validate_equivalence(self, other):
"""Verify the equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:raises ValueError: if other is not equivalent to self
if not isinstance(other, MosaicAtom):
raise TypeError("%s is not an atom" % str(type(other)))
if self.label != other.label:
raise ValueError("labels differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.label), repr(other.label)))
if self.name != other.name:
raise ValueError("names differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.name), repr(other.name)))
if self.type != other.type:
raise ValueError("types differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.type), repr(other.type)))
if self.number_of_sites != other.number_of_sites:
raise ValueError("site numbers differ: %d != %d"
% (self.number_of_sites, other.number_of_sites))
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other):
"""Check for equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:returns: True if other is equivalent to self
:rtype: bool
return True
return False
# Validation
_allowed_types = ('element', 'cgparticle', 'dummy', '')
_elements = ('Ac', 'Ag', 'Al', 'Am', 'Ar', 'As', 'At', 'Au',
'B', 'Ba', 'Be', 'Bh', 'Bi', 'Bk', 'Br',
'C', 'Ca', 'Cd', 'Ce', 'Cf', 'Cl', 'Cm',
'Co', 'Cn', 'Cr', 'Cs', 'Cu',
'D', 'Db', 'Ds', 'Dy',
'Er', 'Es', 'Eu',
'F', 'Fe', 'Fm', 'Fr',
'Ga', 'Gd', 'Ge',
'H', 'He', 'Hf', 'Hg', 'Ho', 'Hs',
'I', 'In', 'Ir',
'K', 'Kr',
'La', 'Li', 'Lr', 'Lu',
'Md', 'Mg', 'Mn', 'Mo', 'Mt',
'N', 'Na', 'Nb', 'Nd', 'Ne', 'Ni', 'No', 'Np',
'O', 'Os',
'P', 'Pa', 'Pb', 'Pd', 'Pm', 'Po', 'Pr', 'Pt', 'Pu',
'Ra', 'Rb', 'Re', 'Rf', 'Rg', 'Rh', 'Rn', 'Ru',
'S', 'Sb', 'Sc', 'Se', 'Sg', 'Si', 'Sm', 'Sn', 'Sr',
'Ta', 'Tb', 'Tc', 'Te', 'Th', 'Ti', 'Tl', 'Tm',
'U', 'V', 'W', 'Xe', 'Y', 'Yb', 'Zn', 'Zr')
def validate_element_name(self, name):
validate_value(name, self._elements, "name")
[docs] def validate(self):
"""Verify that the object satisfies the constraints of the
Mosaic data model.
:raises ValueError: if the object is not valid Mosaic data
validate_label(self.label, "Atom.label")
validate_value(self.type, self._allowed_types, "Atom type")
validate_label(self.name, "Atom.name")
if self.type == 'element':
validate_value(self.name, self._elements, "Atom element")
if not isinstance(self.number_of_sites, int):
raise ValueError("Atom.number_of_sites must be an integer")
if self.number_of_sites <= 0:
raise ValueError("Atom.number_of_sites must be positive")
if self.number_of_atoms != 1:
raise ValueError("Atom.number_of_atoms must be 1")
# A fragment describes a node in the tree defining the chemical
# structure of the molecules. It can represent a molecule,
# a supermolecule, or part of a molecule. A fragment is defined
# by
# - a species, which is a text string describing the chemical
# nature of the fragment
# - a label, which describes the role of the fragment inside its
# parent structure, and must be unique within that parent structure
# - a list of sub-fragments
# - a list of atoms
# - a list of bonds
# - the boolean flag is_polymer. Polymer fragments have an emtpy
# atom list and an additional attribute 'polymer_type' whose
# allowed values are
# - 'polypeptide', for a peptide chain
# - 'polyribonucleotide', for an RNA chain
# - 'polydeoxyribonucleotide', for a DNA chain
# - 'polynucleotide', for a chain that can contain
# nucleotides with either type of sugar
# - the empty string, for any other polymer
[docs]class MosaicFragment(collections.Mapping):
"""Fragment inside a :py:class:`MosaicUniverse`
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-fragment>` for fragments.
Fragments implement the Mapping interface. Valid keys are strings
identifying atoms or sub-fragments, using dots to separate subsequent
labels. For polymer fragments, integer keys are valid as well to refer
to a specific sub-fragment in the chain.
# API properties
[docs] def label(self):
"""An ASCII string not containing dots and identifying
the fragment uniquely inside its parent fragment.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-fragment-label>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def species(self):
"""An ASCII string describing the species of the fragment
(e.g. what kind of molecule or moiety it represents).
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-fragment-species>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def fragments(self):
"""Sequence of sub-fragments, may be empty.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-fragment-fragments>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def atoms(self):
"""Sequence of atoms, may be empty.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-fragment-atoms>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def bonds(self):
"""Sequence of bonds, may be empty. Each bond is
repreented by a tuple (atom_ref_1, atom_ref_2, bond_order).
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-fragment-bonds>`
and the :ref:`bond reference documentation<mosaic-bonds>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def is_polymer(self):
"""True if the fragment is a polymer.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-fragment-polymer>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def polymer_type(self):
"""String identifying the polymer type if is_polymer is true.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-fragment-polymer>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Properties that can be computed in terms of the API properties
[docs] def number_of_atoms(self):
"""The number of atoms in the fragment (including the atoms
in sub-fragments).
return sum(f.number_of_atoms for f in self.fragments) \
+ len(self.atoms)
[docs] def number_of_sites(self):
"""The number of sites associated with the fragment, i.e.
the sum of the numbers of sites of all the fragment's atoms,
including those of sub-fragments.
return sum(f.number_of_sites for f in self.fragments) \
+ sum(a.number_of_sites for a in self.atoms)
[docs] def number_of_bonds(self):
"""The number of bonds associated with the fragment,
including the bonds inside sub-fragments.
return sum(ff.number_of_bonds for ff in self.fragments) \
+ len(self.bonds)
# Equivalence test
[docs] def validate_equivalence(self, other):
"""Verify the equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:raises ValueError: if other is not equivalent to self
if not isinstance(other, MosaicFragment):
raise TypeError("%s is not a fragment" % str(type(other)))
if self.label != other.label:
raise ValueError("labels differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.label), repr(other.label)))
if self.species != other.species:
raise ValueError("species differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.species), repr(other.species)))
if self.is_polymer:
if not other.is_polymer:
raise ValueError("%s is not a polymer" % str(other))
if self.polymer_type != other.polymer_type:
raise ValueError("polymer types differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.polymer_type),
for s, o in zip(self.fragments, other.fragments):
for s, o in zip(self.atoms, other.atoms):
if self._bond_set() != other._bond_set():
raise ValueError("bonds differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self._bond_set), repr(other._bond_set)))
def _bond_set(self):
return frozenset((frozenset((a1, a2)), order)
for a1, a2, order in self.bonds)
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other):
"""Check for equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:returns: True if other is equivalent to self
:rtype: bool
return True
return False
# Validation
_polymer_types = ['',
_bond_orders = ['', 'single', 'double', 'triple', 'quadruple', 'aromatic']
[docs] def validate(self):
"""Verify that the object satisfies the constraints of the
Mosaic data model.
:raises ValueError: if the object is not valid Mosaic data
validate_label(self.label, "Fragment.label")
validate_label(self.species, "Fragment.species")
validate_value(self.is_polymer, [True, False], "Fragment.is_polymer")
if self.is_polymer:
validate_value(self.polymer_type, self._polymer_types,
validate_sequence(self.fragments, MosaicFragment, "Fragment.fragments")
labels = set()
for f in self.fragments:
if f.label in labels:
raise ValueError("Label %s occurs more than once" % f.label)
validate_sequence(self.atoms, MosaicAtom, "Fragment.atoms")
for a in self.atoms:
if a.label in labels:
raise ValueError("Label %s occurs more than once" % a.label)
for property in ['number_of_atoms',
value = getattr(self, property)
reference = getattr(MosaicFragment, property).fget(self)
if value != reference:
raise ValueError("Fragment.%s is %s, should be %s"
% (property, str(value), str(reference)))
# Methods based on API properties
[docs] def recursive_atom_iterator(self):
"""An iterator over the atoms in the fragment, including the
atoms in sub-fragments.
return IT.chain(IT.chain.from_iterable(f.recursive_atom_iterator()
for f in self.fragments),
[docs] def recursive_atom_path_iterator(self):
"""An iterator over the atom paths in the fragment, including the
atoms in sub-fragments.
for f in self.fragments:
l = f.label
for ap in f.recursive_atom_path_iterator():
yield l + '.' + ap
for a in self.atoms:
yield a.label
[docs] def recursive_bond_iterator(self):
"""An iterator over the bonds in the fragment, including the
bonds in sub-fragments.
for f in self.fragments:
l = f.label
for a1, a2, order in f.recursive_bond_iterator():
yield (l + '.' + a1, l + '.' + a2, order)
for b in self.bonds:
yield b
[docs] def site_to_atom_index_mapping(self):
:returns: an array whose element [s] is the atom index
corresponding to site index s.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
ns = [a.number_of_sites for a in self.recursive_atom_iterator()]
return N.repeat(N.arange(len(ns)), ns)
def _atom_to_site_index_mapping(self):
ns = [a.number_of_sites for a in self.recursive_atom_iterator()]
return N.add.accumulate(ns)
[docs] def atom_to_site_index_mapping(self):
:returns: an array whose element [s] is the site index
corresponding to the first site of the atom with
atom index s.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
m = self._atom_to_site_index_mapping()
m[1:] = m[:-1]
m[0] = 0
return m
# Mapping interface
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, int) and self.is_polymer:
return self.fragments[item]
# A rather inefficient implementation of substructure selection
# using only the public API elements. Concrete implementations
# can do better.
assert isinstance(item, str)
path = item.split('.')
item = None
for f in self.fragments:
if f.label == path[0]:
item = f
if item is None:
for a in self.atoms:
if a.label == path[0]:
item = a
if item is None:
raise KeyError(path[0])
if len(path) > 1:
return item['.'.join(path[1:])]
return item
def __len__(self):
:returns: the number of sub-elements, i.e. atoms and sub-fragments
:rtype: int
return len(self.fragments) + len(self.atoms)
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over sub-fragments first, then over the fragment's atoms.
for f in self.fragments:
yield f.label
for a in self.atoms:
yield a.label
# Override some methods from collections.Mapping for efficiency
def values(self):
return self.fragments + self.atoms
def itervalues(self):
return IT.chain(iter(self.fragments), iter(self.atoms))
# A universe description consists of
# - the cell shape
# - a list of symmetry transformations
# - the chemical structure of its contents
# - a label indicating additional conventions that this universe
# conforms to, in particular naming conventions for atoms and molecules
[docs]class MosaicUniverse(MosaicDataItem):
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-universe>` for universes.
# API properties
[docs] def cell_shape(self):
"""A string identifying the cell shape.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-universe-cell-shape>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def convention(self):
"""An ASCII string naming the conventions used inside the
definitions of fragements and atoms.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-universe-convention>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def molecules(self):
"""A sequence of molecule specifications. Each element is a
two-element tuple, whose first element is a :py:class:`MosaicFragment`
and whose second element is an integer specifying the number of
copies of the molecule.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-universe-molecules>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Properties that can be computed in terms of the API properties
_cell_parameter_array_shapes = {
'infinite': (0,),
'cube': (),
'cuboid': (3,),
'parallelepiped': (3, 3)}
[docs] def cell_parameter_array_shape(self):
"""The shape of a valid cell_parameters array
in a :py:class:`MosaicConfiguration`.
return self._cell_parameter_array_shapes[self.cell_shape]
[docs] def number_of_molecules(self):
"The number of molecules in the universe."
return sum(n for f, n in self.molecules)
[docs] def number_of_atoms(self):
"The number of atoms in the universe."
return sum(n * f.number_of_atoms for f, n in self.molecules)
[docs] def number_of_sites(self):
"The number of sites in the universe."
return sum(n * f.number_of_sites for f, n in self.molecules)
[docs] def number_of_bonds(self):
"The number of bonds in the universe."
return sum(n * f.number_of_bonds for f, n in self.molecules)
[docs] def number_of_template_atoms(self):
"""The number of template atoms in the universe, i.e. the
total number of atoms in all fragment definitions. It is
equal to the number of atoms iff all molecule repetition
counts are 1.
return sum(f.number_of_atoms for f, n in self.molecules)
[docs] def number_of_template_sites(self):
"""The number of template sites in the universe, i.e. the
total number of sites in all fragment definitions. It is
equal to the number of sites iff all molecule repetition
counts are 1.
return sum(f.number_of_sites for f, n in self.molecules)
# Equivalence test
[docs] def validate_equivalence(self, other):
"""Verify the equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:raises ValueError: if other is not equivalent to self
if not isinstance(other, MosaicUniverse):
raise TypeError("%s is not a universe" % str(type(other)))
if self.cell_shape != other.cell_shape:
raise ValueError("cell shapes differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.cell_shape), repr(other.cell_shape)))
if self.convention != other.convention:
raise ValueError("naming conventions differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.convention),
for (r1, t1), (r2, t2) in zip(self.symmetry_transformations,
if r1 != r2:
raise ValueError("rotation matrices differ: %s != %s"
% (str(r1), str(r2)))
if t1 != t2:
raise ValueError("translation vectors differ: %s != %s"
% (str(t1), str(t2)))
for (sf, sc), (of, oc) in zip(self.molecules, other.molecules):
if sc != oc:
raise ValueError("molecule counts differ: %d != %d" % (sc, oc))
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other):
"""Check for equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:returns: True if other is equivalent to self
:rtype: bool
return True
return False
# Validation
[docs] def validate(self):
"""Verify that the object satisfies the constraints of the
Mosaic data model.
:raises ValueError: if the object is not valid Mosaic data
validate_label(self.convention, "Universe.convention")
((lambda t: len(t) == 2,
"must have length 2"),
(lambda rot, trans:
getattr(rot, "shape", None) == (3, 3),
"rotation matrix shape is not (3, 3)"),
(lambda rot, trans:
getattr(trans, "shape", None) == (3,),
"translation vector shape is not (3,)"),
(lambda rot, trans:
rot.dtype == N.float64
and trans.dtype == N.float64,
"rotation and translation must be float64")))
if self.cell_shape == "infinite" \
and len(self.symmetry_transformations) > 0:
raise ValueError("Symmetry transformations are allowed "
"only in periodic universes")
for f, n in self.molecules:
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise ValueError("Molecule count must be an integer")
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError("Molecule count must be positive")
for property in ['cell_parameter_array_shape',
'number_of_molecules', 'number_of_atoms',
'number_of_sites', 'number_of_bonds',
value = getattr(self, property)
reference = getattr(MosaicUniverse, property).fget(self)
if value != reference:
raise ValueError("Universe.%s is %s, should be %s"
% (property, str(value), str(reference)))
# Methods based on API properties
[docs] def recursive_atom_iterator(self):
"""An iterator over the atoms in the universe.
for fragment, count in self.molecules:
for _ in range(count):
for a in fragment.recursive_atom_iterator():
yield a
[docs] def bond_index_array(self):
"""Returns an integer array of shape (N, 2), where N
is the total number of bonds in the universe. The entries
[i, 0] and [i, 1] refer to the two atoms that are connected
by bond i. The entry [i, 0] is smaller than the entry [i, 1].
:returns: the bond index array
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
natoms = 0
bonds = []
for fragment, count in self.molecules:
f_paths = list(fragment.recursive_atom_path_iterator())
f_bonds = [sorted((f_paths.index(a1), f_paths.index(a2)))
for a1, a2, order in fragment.recursive_bond_iterator()]
for _ in range(count):
bonds.extend([(natoms+a1, natoms+a2) for a1, a2 in f_bonds])
natoms += len(f_paths)
return N.array(bonds)
[docs] def site_to_atom_index_mapping(self):
:returns: an array whose element [s] is the atom index
corresponding to site index s.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
natoms = 0
total = []
for fragment, count in self.molecules:
per_fragment = fragment.site_to_atom_index_mapping()
f_natoms = fragment.number_of_atoms
for _ in range(count):
total.append(per_fragment + natoms)
natoms += f_natoms
return N.concatenate(total)
[docs] def atom_to_site_index_mapping(self):
:returns: an array whose element [s] is the site index
corresponding to the first site of the atom with
atom index s.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
nsites = 0
total = []
for fragment, count in self.molecules:
per_fragment = fragment._atom_to_site_index_mapping()
for _ in range(count):
total.append(per_fragment + nsites)
nsites += per_fragment[-1]
m = N.concatenate(total)
m[1:] = m[:-1]
m[0] = 0
return m
[docs] def template_site_to_template_atom_index_mapping(self):
:returns: an array whose element [s] is the template atom index
corresponding to template site index s.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
natoms = 0
total = []
for fragment, count in self.molecules:
per_fragment = fragment.site_to_atom_index_mapping()
f_natoms = fragment.number_of_atoms
total.append(per_fragment + natoms)
natoms += f_natoms
return N.concatenate(total)
[docs] def site_to_template_index_mapping(self):
:returns: an array whose element [s] is the template site index
corresponding to site index s.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
ntsites = 0
total = []
for fragment, count in self.molecules:
f_nsites = fragment.number_of_sites
per_fragment = N.arange(f_nsites)
for _ in range(count):
total.append(per_fragment + ntsites)
ntsites += f_nsites
return N.concatenate(total)
[docs] def atom_to_template_index_mapping(self):
:returns: an array whose element [s] is the template atom index
corresponding to atom index s.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
ntatoms = 0
total = []
for fragment, count in self.molecules:
f_natoms = fragment.number_of_atoms
per_fragment = N.arange(f_natoms)
for _ in range(count):
total.append(per_fragment + ntatoms)
ntatoms += f_natoms
return N.concatenate(total)
# Properties associate a value with each atom or site in a
# universe. The value can be an array of any shape and any element
# type, but shape and element type are the same for all atoms.
# Properties also have a name that describes the quantitity they
# store, and the units of this quantity.
# Properties whose type starts with "template" are defined only for
# each atom or site in the molecule templates, not for each individual
# molecular instance. They are used for properties that are the same
# for all molecules of the same type (e.g. atomic mass).
[docs]class MosaicProperty(MosaicDataItem):
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-property>` for properties.
# API properties
[docs] def type(self):
"""A string identifying the type of the property.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-property-type>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def name(self):
"""An ASCII string describing the property.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-property-name>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def units(self):
"""A string identifying the physical units of the property.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-property-units>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def universe(self):
"The :py:class:`MosaicUniverse` for which the property is defined."
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def data(self):
"""An array containing the property's values.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-property-data>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Properties that can be computed in terms of the API properties
[docs] def element_shape(self):
"""The shape of the sub-array containing the propery for one
atom or site.
return self.data.shape[1:]
# Equivalence test
[docs] def validate_equivalence(self, other):
"""Verify the equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:raises ValueError: if other is not equivalent to self
if not isinstance(other, MosaicProperty):
raise TypeError("%s is not a property" % str(type(other)))
if self.type != other.type:
raise ValueError("types differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.type), repr(other.type)))
if self.name != other.name:
raise ValueError("names differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.name), repr(other.name)))
if self.units != other.units:
raise ValueError("units differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.units), repr(other.units)))
if self.element_shape != other.element_shape:
raise ValueError("element shapes differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.element_shape),
if self.data.dtype != other.data.dtype:
raise ValueError("data dtypes differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.data.dtype),
if (self.data != other.data).any():
raise ValueError("data arrays differ")
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other):
"""Check for equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:returns: True if other is equivalent to self
:rtype: bool
return True
return False
# Validation
_allowed_dtypes = [N.int8, N.int16, N.int32, N.int64,
N.uint8, N.uint16, N.uint32, N.uint64,
N.float32, N.float64,
_allowed_types = ["atom", "site", "template_atom", "template_site"]
[docs] def validate(self):
"""Verify that the object satisfies the constraints of the
Mosaic data model.
:raises ValueError: if the object is not valid Mosaic data
validate_value(self.type, self._allowed_types, "Property.type")
validate_label(self.name, "Property.name")
validate_units(self.units, "Property.units")
validate_type(self.universe, MosaicUniverse, "Property.universe")
el_shape = self.element_shape
data_shape = ({"atom": self.universe.number_of_atoms,
"site": self.universe.number_of_sites,
"template_atom": self.universe.number_of_template_atoms,
"template_site": self.universe.number_of_template_sites,
}[self.type],) + el_shape
# Labels associate a text string with each atom or site in a
# universe. They work much like properties, except for having a string
# value. Labels are a separate data item because the differences
# compared to numerical properties (no element shape, no unit) would
# make validation of a common data item type too complicated.
# Labels whose type starts with "template" are defined only for
# each atom or site in the molecule templates, not for each individual
# molecular instance.
[docs]class MosaicLabel(MosaicDataItem):
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-label>` for labels.
# API properties
[docs] def type(self):
"""A string identifying the type of the label.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-label-type>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def name(self):
"""An ASCII string describing the label.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-label-name>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def universe(self):
"The :py:class:`MosaicUniverse` for which the property is defined."
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def strings(self):
"""A sequence of strings representing a label for each atom or site.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-label-strings>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Equivalence test
[docs] def validate_equivalence(self, other):
"""Verify the equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:raises ValueError: if other is not equivalent to self
if not isinstance(other, MosaicLabel):
raise TypeError("%s is not a label" % str(type(other)))
if self.type != other.type:
raise ValueError("types differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.type), repr(other.type)))
if self.name != other.name:
raise ValueError("names differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.name), repr(other.name)))
for s1, s2 in zip(self.strings, other.strings):
if s1 != s2:
raise ValueError("labels differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(s1), repr(s2)))
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other):
"""Check for equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:returns: True if other is equivalent to self
:rtype: bool
return True
return False
# Validation
_allowed_types = ["atom", "site", "template_atom", "template_site"]
[docs] def validate(self):
"""Verify that the object satisfies the constraints of the
Mosaic data model.
:raises ValueError: if the object is not valid Mosaic data
validate_value(self.type, self._allowed_types, "Label.type")
validate_label(self.name, "Label.name")
validate_type(self.universe, MosaicUniverse, "Label.universe")
validate_sequence(self.strings, str, "Label.strings")
nstrings = {"atom": self.universe.number_of_atoms,
"site": self.universe.number_of_sites,
"template_atom": self.universe.number_of_template_atoms,
"template_site": self.universe.number_of_template_sites,
if len(self.strings) != nstrings:
raise ValueError("incorrect number of strings")
for s in self.strings:
validate_ascii_string(s, "label")
# A configuration specifies a coordinate for each site and
# the shape and size of the cell.
[docs]class MosaicConfiguration(MosaicDataItem):
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-configuration>`
for configurations.
# API properties
[docs] def universe(self):
"The :py:class:`MosaicUniverse` for which the property is defined."
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def cell_parameters(self):
"""An array containing the parameters defining the shape and size
of the cell.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-configuration-cp>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def positions(self):
"""An array containing an (x, y, z) position for each site.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-configuration-pos>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Methods based on API properties
[docs] def lattice_vectors(self):
:returns: a sequence of arrays of shape (3,) containing the lattice
vectors for the simulation cell.
:rtype: tuple
return {'infinite': lambda p: (),
'cube': lambda p: (N.array([p, 0., 0.], dtype=p.dtype),
N.array([0., p, 0.], dtype=p.dtype),
N.array([0., 0., p], dtype=p.dtype)),
'cuboid': lambda p: (N.array([p[0], 0., 0.], dtype=p.dtype),
N.array([0., p[1], 0.], dtype=p.dtype),
N.array([0., 0., p[2]], dtype=p.dtype)),
'parallelepiped': lambda p: tuple(N.array(v) for v in p),
# Equivalence test
[docs] def validate_equivalence(self, other):
"""Verify the equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:raises ValueError: if other is not equivalent to self
if not isinstance(other, MosaicConfiguration):
raise TypeError("%s is not a configuration" % str(type(other)))
if (self.cell_parameters != other.cell_parameters).any():
raise ValueError("cell parameters differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.cell_parameters),
if self.cell_parameters.dtype != other.cell_parameters.dtype:
raise ValueError("cell parameter dtypes differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.cell_parameters.dtype),
if self.positions.dtype != other.positions.dtype:
raise ValueError("position dtypes differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.positions.dtype),
if (self.positions != other.positions).any():
raise ValueError("position arrays differ")
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other):
"""Check for equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:returns: True if other is equivalent to self
:rtype: bool
return True
return False
# Validation
_allowed_dtypes = [N.float32, N.float64]
[docs] def validate(self):
"""Verify that the object satisfies the constraints of the
Mosaic data model.
:raises ValueError: if the object is not valid Mosaic data
validate_type(self.universe, MosaicUniverse, "Configuration.universe")
(self.universe.number_of_sites, 3),
if self.cell_parameters.dtype != self.positions.dtype:
raise ValueError("Configuration.cell_parameters and "
"Configuration.positions must have same dtypes")
# Selections specify a subset of atoms or sites, either in the templates
# or in the molecules of a universe.
[docs]class MosaicSelection(MosaicDataItem):
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-selection>` for selections.
# API properties
[docs] def type(self):
"""A string identifying the type of the selection.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-selection-type>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def universe(self):
"The :py:class:`MosaicUniverse` for which the selection is defined."
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def indices(self):
"""An array containing the indices of the contained atoms or sites.
See the :ref:`data model documentation<mosaic-selection-indices>`.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Properties that can be computed in terms of the API properties
[docs] def number_of_atoms(self):
"""The number of atoms in the selection.
indices = self.indices
if self.type == "atom":
return len(indices)
elif self.type == "template_atom":
natoms = 0
ntatoms = 0
for fragment, count in self.universe.molecules:
nta = fragment.number_of_atoms
natoms += count * N.sum((indices >= ntatoms)
& (indices < ntatoms+nta))
ntatoms += nta
return natoms
raise TypeError("number of atoms undefined in site selection")
[docs] def number_of_sites(self):
"""The number of sites in the selection.
indices = self.indices
if self.type == "atom":
sites_per_atom = [a.number_of_sites
for a in self.universe.recursive_atom_iterator()]
# If 'indices' is an immutable array, N.take crashes due to
# a numpy bug. Conversion to a plain array prevents this.
# See Github issue #3758 for numpy/numpy.
return N.sum(N.take(sites_per_atom, N.array(indices)))
elif self.type == "template_atom":
sites_per_atom = [a.number_of_sites
for a in self.universe.recursive_atom_iterator()]
nsites = 0
ntatoms = 0
for fragment, count in self.universe.molecules:
nta = fragment.number_of_atoms
mask = (indices >= ntatoms) & (indices < ntatoms+nta)
ntatoms += nta
# Conversion to plain arrays is required for the same
# reason as above.
nsites += count * N.sum(N.take(sites_per_atom,
return nsites
elif self.type == "site":
return len(indices)
elif self.type == "template_site":
nsites = 0
ntsites = 0
for fragment, count in self.universe.molecules:
nts = fragment.number_of_sites
nsites += count * N.sum((indices >= ntsites)
& (indices < ntsites+nts))
ntsites += nts
return nsites
# Equivalence test
[docs] def validate_equivalence(self, other):
"""Verify the equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:raises ValueError: if other is not equivalent to self
if not isinstance(other, MosaicSelection):
raise TypeError("%s is not a selection" % str(type(other)))
if self.type != other.type:
raise ValueError("types differ: %s != %s"
% (repr(self.type), repr(other.type)))
if (self.indices != other.indices).any():
raise ValueError("indices differ")
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other):
"""Check for equivalence of Python objects representing
Mosaic data. The two objects can belong to different models;
only the common API functionality is used for the test.
:parameter other: an arbitrary Python object
:returns: True if other is equivalent to self
:rtype: bool
return True
return False
# Validation
_allowed_types = ["atom", "site", "template_atom", "template_site"]
[docs] def validate(self):
"""Verify that the object satisfies the constraints of the
Mosaic data model.
:raises ValueError: if the object is not valid Mosaic data
validate_value(self.type, self._allowed_types, "Selection.type")
validate_type(self.universe, MosaicUniverse, "Selection.universe")
max_index = {"atom": self.universe.number_of_atoms,
"site": self.universe.number_of_sites,
"template_atom": self.universe.number_of_template_atoms,
"template_site": self.universe.number_of_template_sites,
validate_indices(self.indices, max_index, "Selection.indices")
# Validation functions
def validate_type(obj, cls, text):
if isinstance(obj, cls):
raise TypeError("%s must be of type %s (is %s)"
% (text, cls.__name__, str(type(obj))))
def validate_value(value, allowed_values, name):
if not value in allowed_values:
raise ValueError("%s must be one of %s"
% (name, ", ".join(allowed_values)))
def validate_ascii_string(s, text):
if not mosaic.utility.isascii(s):
raise ValueError("non-ASCII string in %s" % text)
def validate_label(label, text):
validate_type(label, str, text)
if len(label) > 32767:
raise ValueError("%s too long, must be <= 32767 characters" % text)
for c in label:
if not c in _allowed_in_labels:
raise ValueError("illegal character '%s' in %s"
% (c, text))
_allowed_in_labels = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + \
'0123456789!#$%&?@^_~+-*/=,()[]' + "'"
def validate_array(array, shape, allowed_dtypes, text):
# Don't check for N.ndarray in order to allow on-disk
# arrays (HDF5, netCDF)
a_shape = array.shape
a_dtype = array.dtype
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("%s must be an array" % text)
if shape is not None and a_shape != shape:
raise ValueError("%s must have shape %s"
% (text, str(shape)))
if a_dtype not in allowed_dtypes:
raise TypeError(" %s must have element type %s"
% (text,
" or ".join(str(t) for t in allowed_dtypes)))
def validate_sequence(obj, el_cls, text, additional_tests=()):
if not (isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence) and
all(isinstance(item, el_cls) for item in obj)):
raise TypeError("%s must be a sequence of %s elements"
% (text, el_cls.__name__))
for test_fn, text in additional_tests:
for el in obj:
if not test_fn(el):
raise ValueError("%s: %s" % (str(el), text))
def validate_indices(indices, max_index, text):
validate_array(indices, None,
[N.uint8, N.uint16, N.uint32, N.uint64],
if len(indices.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError("index array not 1d")
if (indices >= max_index).any():
raise ValueError("index too large")
if len(indices) > 1:
d = indices[1:]-indices[:-1]
if (d <= 0).any():
raise ValueError("indices not sorted")
# The unit validator accepts a very limited syntax, which
# should be sufficient: a unit is defined by a string of
# unit names with an optional numeric suffix indication a power.
# The unit list can include integers or decimal fractions.
# Examples: "nm ps-1" (velocity), "nm2" (area), "kJ mol-1" (energy)
# "0.1 nm" (length), "60 s" (time)
def validate_units(unit_spec, text):
validate_type(unit_spec, str, text)
first = True
for unit in unit_spec.split():
# number (integer or decimal fraction)
if first:
first = False
if (re.match("^[1-9][0-9]*$", unit) \
or re.match("^0\.[0-9]+$", unit)):
# symbol+exponent
m = re.match("^(?P<symbol>[a-zA-Z]+)([-]?[0-9]+)?$", unit)
if m and m.group('symbol') in _allowed_units:
raise ValueError("invalid unit '%s' in %s" % (unit, unit_spec))
_allowed_units = \
["pm", "Ang", "nm", "um", "mm", "m",
"fs", "ps", "ns", "us", "ms", "s",
"amu", "g", "kg",
"J", "kJ", "cal", "kcal", "eV",
"Pa", "kPa", "MPa", "GPa", "atm", "bar", "kbar",
"e", "C", "A", "V",
"c", "h", "me"]
# Validation as a test function rather than raising exceptions
def is_valid(obj):
return True
return False