The Mosaic data model

Mosaic data items

Mosaic data items are the smallest units of information that can be stored in files. A Mosaic file can contain any number of data items, each of which has a unique identifier. Identifiers are text strings whose exact specification may vary between file formats. ASCII encoded identifiers are allowed in all file formats and are therefore preferred.

Some definitions used in the following

int8, int16, int32, int64
A signed integer occupying 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits in memory.
uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
An unsigned integer occupying 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits in memory.
A truth value that is either True or False.
An IEEE single-precision floating point number, occupying 32 bits in memory.
An IEEE double-precision floating point number, occupying 64 bits in memory.
A text string in ASCII encoding containing at most 32767 characters which are each an upper or lower case letter, a digit, or one of the punctuation characters in the string ”!#$%&?@^_~+-*/=,()[]’”. This includes all the ASCII punctuation characters except for the dot. Spaces and control characters are not allowed.
An ordered collection of items. Corresponding data structures in programming languages are typically called list, vector, or array.
An unordered collection of items, in which each item can occur at most once.
An n-dimensional ordered collection whose elements are of identical type.
A point-like particle in a molecular simulation. May represent a real atom, a united-atom particle in a coarse-grained model, or a dummy interaction point with no physical properties.
A point in space related to an atom. An atom has at least one site. Atoms with multiple sites can be used for representing quantum models (path integrals, wave functions, ...), atoms with multi-modal position distributions (as used in crystallography), etc.
A hierarchical structure consisting of atoms, other fragments (subfragments), and bonds. A fragment loosely corresponds to the concept of a functional group or moiety in chemistry, but its definition covers a much wider range of chemical structures: the extreme use cases for fragments in Mosaic are single atoms and whole molecules.
The definition of the molecular structure for a species of molecules in a universe. Any fragment can be used as a molecule template. It is important to distinguish between a molecule and a molecule template: every molecule has exactly one template, but a template can describe a large number of molecules. For example, in a box of water molecules, all molecules share a single template.

Data item type “universe”

The universe is the most central Mosaic data item because all the other ones require a reference to a universe, because their data contents can only be interpreted meaningfully in the context of their universe.

A universe describes a molecular system, defining

  1. the chemical structure of the molecules it contains
  2. the topology of the whole system (periodic boundary conditions etc.)
  3. symmetries, if required

A Mosaic universe contains:

  • a cell shape field, whose value is “infinite”, “cube”, “cuboid”, or “parallelepiped”
  • a convention field, whose value is an ASCII-encoded text string naming a convention for atom names, decomposition of standard groups (e.g. amino acid residues) into subgroups and atoms, etc.
  • a (possibly empty) set of symmetry transformation. Each symmetry transformation is defined by a rotation matrix and a translation vector. The full system consists of the explicitly represented atoms and molecules plus their images obtained by applying all the symmetry transformations. Symmetry transformations are defined in fractional coordinates and therefore allowed only for periodic universes.
  • a list of molecules, each molecule being defined by a (fragment, count) pair, where count is a positive integer. Fragments are defined below.

A Mosaic fragment is not a data item, because it cannot be written to a file in isolation. Fragments exist only as part of a universe definition.

A fragment contains the following information:

  • a label field, whose value is a label that identifies the fragment uniquely inside its parent fragment (if any parent fragment exists)
  • a species field, whose value is a label that describes the chemical entity described by the fragment
  • a boolean field is_polymer, whose value is “true” if the fragment describes a polymer. A polymer fragment has an empty atom list, i.e. it contains only sub-fragments. A polymer fragment also has an additional polymer_type field, whose value is “”, “polypeptide”, “polyribonucleotide”, “polydeoxyribonucleotide”, or “polynucleotide”. The empty string is used for polymers that are not of any other type, or for polymers of unknown type.
  • a (possibly empty) list of sub-fragments
  • a (possibly empty) list of atoms
  • a (possibly empty) set of bonds

An atom is described by:

  • a label field, whose value is a label that identifies the atom uniquely inside its parent fragment. Each label inside a parent fragment can name an atom //or// a sub-fragment, but not both.
  • a type field, whose value is “element”, “cgparticle”, “dummy”, or “”. The empty string is used for any type other then the explicitly named ones, and for atoms of unknown type. The type “element” refers to a physical atom with a well-defined chemical element. The type “cgparticle” refers to coarse-grained particles that represent several physical atoms. The type “dummy” refers to interaction sites that have no physical reality.
  • a name field, whose value is a label that describes the chemical nature of the atom. For atoms of type “element”, it must be the chemical element symbol, with the first letter upper-case and the second letter, if one exists, in lower-case.
  • a number of sites field, whose value is a positive integer.

A bond is described by (1) a set of two atom references and (2) a bond order specification, whose value is “”, “single”, “double”, “triple”, “quadruple”, or “aromatic”. The empty string is used for bonds of any other order, or for bonds of unknown order. Bonds must be defined at the level of the smallest possible fragment that includes both atoms implied in the bond. In other words, it must be possible to check if two atoms in a fragment are linked by a bond without looking at parent fragments.

An atom reference is an ASCII-encoded text string naming an atom relative to the current fragment by the sequence of labels that define the path to the atom. The labels in the sequence are separated by a dot.

Data item type “configuration”

A configuration contains:

  • a reference to a universe
  • one position vector for each site in the universe
  • for universes with a bounded cell, the parameters of the cell, stored as an array whose shape is determined by the universe’s cell shape: an empty shape vector (i.e. the array is a scalar) for “cube”, shape (3) for “cuboid”, and (3,3) for “parallelepiped”.

The elements of the position vectors and the cell parameters are floats of the same precision, either float32 or float64.

Data item type “property”

A property contains:

  • a type field, whose value is “atom”, “site”, “template_atom”, or “template_site”
  • a reference to a universe
  • one array (see details below) for each

    • atom in the universe, if the type field is “atom”
    • site in the universe, if the type field is “site”
    • atom in the molecule templates, if the type field is “template_atom”
    • site in the molecule templates, if the type field is “template_site”
  • a name field, whose value is a label
  • a units field, see details below

The arrays for each atom or site have identical shapes and their elements identical types. The type can be int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint32, uint64, float32, float64, or bool.

Properties of type “atom” or “site” are defined for each atom or site in the universe. Properties of type “template_atom” or “template_site” are defined for each atom or site in the molecule templates of the universe. They are thus identical for the corresponding atoms or sites in each molecule sharing the same template.

The value of the units field is a text string in ASCII encoding. It contains a sequence of unit factors separated by a space. A unit factor is either (a) a number (an integer or a decimal fraction, optionally followed by the letter ‘e’ and an integer indicating a power of ten) or (b) a unit symbol optionally followed by a non-zero integer which indicates the power to which this factor is taken. Examples:

  • “nm3” stands for cubic nanometers
  • “nm ps-1” stands for nanometers per picosecond
  • “60 s” stands for a minute

Each unit symbol may occur only once in the units field. There may also be at most one numeric factor, which must be the first one.

The following unit symbols may be used:

Length pm picometer
Ang Ångström
nm nanometer
um micrometer
mm millimeter
m meter
Time fs femtosecond
ps picosecond
ns nanosecond
us microsecond
ms millisecond
s second
Mass amu gram/mole
g gram
kg kilogram
Quantity mol mole
Energy J joule
kJ kilojoule
cal calorie
kcal kilocalorie
eV electron-volt
Temperature K Kelvin
Pressure Pa pascal
kPa kilopascal
MPa megapascal
GPa giggapascal
atm atmosphere
bar bar
kbar kilobar
Electrical units e proton charge
C coulomb
A ampere
V volt
Angles deg degree
Constants c speed of light
h Planck constant
me electron mass

Note that the only unit for angles is the degree. Contrary to SI recommendations, angles are taken to be dimensionless in Mosaic. This corresponds to how angles are treated de facto in computational science. The unit “deg” is thus a dimensionless conversion factor equal to 180/π.

Data item type “label”

A label contains:

  • a type field, whose value is “atom”, “site”, “template_atom”, or “template_site”
  • a reference to a universe
  • one text string in ASCII encoding for each

    • atom in the universe, if the type field is “atom”
    • site in the universe, if the type field is “site”
    • atom in the molecule templates, if the type field is “template_atom”
    • site in the molecule templates, if the type field is “template_site”
  • a name field, whose value is a label

Labels of type “atom” or “site” are defined for each atom or site in the universe. Labels of type “template_atom” or “template_site” are defined for each atom or site in the molecule templates of the universe. They are thus identical for the corresponding atoms or sites in each molecule sharing the same template.

Data item type “selection”

A selection contains:

  • a type field, whose value is “atom”, “site”, “template_atom”, or “template_site”
  • a reference to a universe
  • an array whose values are the indices of the atoms or sites that are part of the selection.

The index array is one-dimensional and the type of its elements is one of the unsigned integer types: uint8, uint16, uint32, uint32, uint64. The indices are stored in monotonously increasing order with no index being listed more than once.

Selections of type “atom” or “site” contain indices for atoms or sites in the universe. Selections of type “template_atom” or “template_site” contain indices for each atom or site in the molecule templates of the universe. They are interpreted as a selection of all atoms or sites that correspond to the selected template atoms or template sites.